TheraCommunity Moon Blog for November 2022

Crystal grids can be a fun way to ground and focus . Flowers and leaves are a great addition from nature!

Big changes are sure to happen for most of us this month! Either we are finally finding our voice, or finally seeing things clearly, but most of us are ready to make those changes. The astrological influences this month are sure to help! We will also experience the last in a series of powerful eclipses to happen this year.  This big big energy will possibly be what gives us the strength we need to make those changes!

November is a month for gratitude and giving, and for reflecting and releasing. We are truly into the fall season now, and like the leaves falling off of the trees, it is necessary for us to release that which holds us down. Let the weight go, so we can not only survive the months ahead, but flourish.

We begin this month with our sun in the passionate, and fierce sign of Scorpio. We will feel this energy strongly through the first half of this month. Scorpio can be vengeful as well. We surely will want to watch our words and actions, to make sure they align with who we want to be. As we Roll into vibrant Sagittarius later in the month, we may feel a boosted sense of adventure, and confidence within our relationships with ourselves others.


Some astrological happenings that you may want to take note of in November are:


November 8th- Full Moon in Taurus/ Blood Moon Eclipse:

This is the big celestial event of November, the last eclipse of 2022! They call a total lunar eclipse on a full moon a "Blood Moon" because of the reddish color the shadow of the earth casts on the moon, as it passes between it and the sun.

A blood moon eclipse represents an ending, or closure. This may be a sudden ending or one that has been coming for a long time. Either way, it is likely to be a good thing when we view it in retrospect.

Taurus is the opposite sign of Scorpio, so the full moon energies at work here are opposing. We can use this to our advantage, by seeing things from different points of view, and deciphering a more reasonable, and fair truth. Emotions are probably running high dear friends. Being gentle with ourselves, and grounding exercises can be helpful.


November 11- 11/11:

For those of us interested in numerology, 1111 is a significant number. It is an angel number, which could indicate there's good luck ahead, with guidance from our angels. The one represents new beginnings. Endings and new beginnings seem to be the theme this month. We might try connecting to our intuition today, by connecting to ourselves in meditation.


November 22- Sun in Sagittarius:

Sagittarians are know for their optimism and creativity. They are often very socially adept.

We may be feeling these influences giving us a confidence boost around this time. As we transition from the depths of fixed water sign Scorpio, into the firey heights of Sagitarius, we are ready for whatever life has to throw at us! Be brave dear friends!


November 23- New Moon in Sagittarius/ Jupiter Direct:

A new moon is a time for new beginnings. It is good for setting intentions for the month ahead. Thanksgiving is here, and we may want to be thinking about what our intentions are moving into this holiday season as well. Setting intentions can be a very powerful tool for us to concentrate our attention and focus. It can aid us in creating the life we want, and in being our best selves.

Sagittarius is intellectual and magnetic, bold and brave! Let these attributes help us to move forward in a direction we want, with confidence!

As Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system moves out of retrograde, where it's been since July, and moves direct, we will probably feel the effects of this large movement. Jupiter is known as the teacher, the planet of optimism, expansion, authority, and luck. We can allow the lessons learned from this retrograde help us to move forward with an optimistic approach, and with an attitude that we are ready to grow and expand!


On the 24th most of us may be celebrating Thanksgiving. We encourage you to focus your energy on gratitude, this month, and always. Be thankful! When we focus on all of the blessings in our life, abundance often seems to flow right to us. Where we put our energy, is often where we see the most growth. Grow your gratitude today, and watch the things you are grateful for flourish!


Happy November friends! We are so very grateful for all of you!

Theraexpressions Meditation