TheraCommunity Moon Blog for October 2022

As we roll into October, most of us are relived to be leaving Mercury and some other retrogrades behind, and sliding into a more bearable pace as things go back to normal. Mercury leaves retrograde on October 2nd, although we may be feeling the post shadow afterwards for at least a week. The next planet to leave retrograde is Pluto, on October 8th, then Saturn on the 23rd. Even though Mercury, Pluto and Saturn are leaving retrograde, we still have three planets in retrograde, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune. Mars also will be entering retrograde on October30th. With all of this back and forth retrograde action, we may find ourselves bouncing from past to present. Be aware of this, and decide what serves you the most in the moment.

Visiting past experiences can help us gleam knowledge and lessons for the future. However the past cannot be changed, and we are missing out on the present moment when we are focused on the past.


Important astrology for this month as follows:


October 2nd- Mercury Direct:

Mercury stations direct on October 2nd in the sign of Virgo. When Mercury goes direct we may get a clearer insight into things that may have appeared cloudy during retrograde. Now is a time for ahaha moments, when it comes to the things you've been questioning. We may get a real forward boost of energy around the 15th when Mercury leaves it's post shadow phase.


October 8th- Pluto Direct:

Pluto is the planet of regeneration. The thought processes that we have been doing to affect change, to restart and renew, can now start to become reality. What changes do we need to apply to get the life we want?


October 9th- Full Moon in Aries:

The full moon in October is often referred to as Hunter's Moon, and  is likely to pack some power. In the newborn fiery sign of Aries curiosity is piqued, and you may want to go hunting for an adventure.

On the other hand, our sun is in Libra the sign of relationships, and it's close to Venus the planet of love, so our focus may be there, or on our relationship with ourselves.

If our focus has been on healing, we may want to take a step back and allow things to just be. Sometimes pushing ourselves to heal can backfire, because of our own expectations. Healing will take place in it's own time. Remember to stay present, this moment will not come again. Some grounding exercises can be helpful today.


October 23rd- Sun in Scorpio:

Scorpio is a very intuitive and passionate sign. These attributes can be labeled both good and bad, depending on how you apply them. If you are doing inner work, now is a time to tune in and listen to your intuition. Where are your passions leading you? Meditation exercises may be helpful today.


October 23rd Saturn direct:

As another planet goes direct, it may feel like just the right time to put all of the hard internal work you’ve been doing out into the world. How can you apply all of the mind blowing realizations that you have come to this year, to make a better existence for yourself?


October 25th New Moon in Scorpio/ Solar Eclipse:

The new moon happens when the earth comes between the moon and the reflecting light of the sun. The darkness is a place where seeds are germinated, and new growth begins. It is a perfect time for setting new intentions for the month ahead, and reflecting on where we need to change and grow, in order to move forward.


October 30th-  Mars enters retrograde:

Mars is a very high energy, high action planet. As it is entering retrograde, we may feel low on both energy and motivation. A way we can use this time to our advantage is to slow down, and recharge our batteries.


Self care is so important during times of growth and change, so if we aren't putting our focus on self care, we may really want to reconsider our priorities. If we are not caring for ourselves, then who is caring for us? Questions to ponder friends. Have a safe and happy October!

Theraexpressions Meditation