TheraCommunity Moon Blog for April 2023

As we charge into April head first, like Aries the Ram, who's sign our sun is in, we are ready for whatever life throws us! Aries is a fire sign, who is bold and adventurous. We can use this fire to burn our path forward into new horizons! As we move through this month, through a big eclipse, and into Taurus season, we will most likely be feeling accomplished with what we have been doing in our existance. If we are not moving forward, or we are feeling stuck, it's probably time to get out of our own way. We may need to get honest with ourselves about what is no longer serving us. The way out is through friends!


April 6th- Full Moon in Libra:


The Libra Full Moon will be illuminating our relationships, as Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of love and relationships. The balancing scales of Libra ask us to assess the fairness in our lives. Are our relationships with others fair? Do we prioritize our relationship with ourselves? Libra gives us patience, compassion, and a willingness to see things from another's perspective. What great attributes to work with!

Meditation is the practice of observing the self. We can try sitting in silence and observing what our mind does when we ask ourselves a question, and listen for the answer. Then write in our journal what comes to us during our meditation. Some Journal prompts for meditation on the Libra full moon are:

  1. What are some areas in my life where I need more patience?

  2. Am I a compassionate person?

  3. Does my compassion extend to myself?

Looking within ourselves is where we will find the answers friends. The Light of the full moon will show us the way.


April 19th-20th Solar Eclipse & New Moon in Aries:


A solar Eclipse occurs when the moon passes between the sun and the earth, totally or partially obscuring our view of the sun. This eclipse is a hybrid solar eclipse. A hybrid solar eclipse is a rare type of solar eclipse, that changes it's appearance as the moon's shadow moves across the earth's surface. During a hybrid solar eclipse, a total eclipse is only seen from a narrow path across the surface of the earth, (the totality of this eclipse can only be viewed from parts of Western Australia and Indonesia) and a partial eclipse is viewed from a much wider area. Only 3.1% of all solar eclipses in the 21st century have been hybrid eclipses.  An eclipses potent energy signifies new begginings, and the evolution of our soul journey. As our sun is in the sign of Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, which also signifies new begginings, this fresh energy is magnified.


The new moon in Aries is also boosting that Newness. New moons are always a wonderful time for journaling, and setting intentions for the month ahead. They are also marked by the darkness. A time to go into the quiet within, and explore the more subtle, less know parts of ourselves and our psyche. Crystal work, meditation, or sound healing my help us tap into our deeper resources at this time.


April 20th Sun in Taurus:


Moving out of the firey sign of Aries, into down to earth Taurus, should give us all a sense of being more grounded. Going into nature and doing grounding exercises, such as yoga asana can boost this feeling. Taurus is loyal and loves to be surrounded by nice things and creature comforts. We may notice that monetary abundance flows more freely towards us right now, but it may be hard to hold on to with Taurus's want for the finer things in life influencing us. Practicing self discipline will serve us in being responsible with our monetary gains. Some other energies that we can take advantage of while sun is in Taurus, are Taurus's abilities to work hard, and be tenacious in getting what we want. Manifesting abundance is the perfect practice for the next several weeks while we are in Taurus season friends!


April 21st Mercury Retrograde:


We often acquaint Mercury retrograde with the negative, as it does tend to mess with communication and transportation, but retrogrades can be helpful. Helping us to tune into the deeper aspects of ourselves and our past, and the lessons learned within. We can gleam new knowledge from old patters and behaviors. Using this knowledge to better ourselves, can help us as we are leveling up in our pursuits. Having a positive outlook on Mercury retrograde can help us to see things from a different point of view, and may help us navigate with more ease.


All of the new things coming into our lives may seem scary. Change can be scary, but it is inevitable, and it's how we grow. If we can learn to embrace the changes without fear, and with an open mind, and open heart, we can travel a path filled with excitement, gratitude, and wonder! Happy April friends!