How 2022 helped us to manifest our dreams!

What we learned about ourselves in 2022!

2022 brought us many things! It helkped us to manifest our dreams from a small orange corner of the world. Cheers to 2022! Here comes 2023!

If I had to describe 2022 in one word my word would be Evolve!

If you would have asked me years ago what this word meant to me I would have said a basic definition that it is a way for us to heal and grow. This year taught me how to heal and grow more than I ever have. It brought me full circle in my seventh year of being a business owner and my eighth year of being on my spiritual path.

This year helped me to evolve and to heal my heart and soul of prior rejection that I had felt in prior years. As a business owner you are always met with whether people like your business, services you offer, or you as a person. That sense of constant questioning and second guessing yourself at every turn can sometimes be debilitating. For me in prior years I would become focused on competition because lets face it if you are a small business owner you have to put yourself out there enough for people to notice you, find you, and want to share space and time with you. At times it felt like I was carrying a mountain on my back. I created the mountain.

This year I was faced with all of those things. Will people support us if we don’t have the studio anymore? Will people support an online and in person focus? Will people see my worth and see what we have to offer? The questions could go on for years. And they have. The interesting thing that occurred this year was all of those fears, questions, competition, fear of rejection, being good enough all floated away. Its not that they are completely gone but we evolved. I evolved. I no longer needed to focus or worry about what everyone else was doing. I had a vision and knew what I was doing.

This year my heart overflowed with pure understanding of what was important. Making things simple, surrounding myself with supportive and loyal people, slowing down, and placing my energy and focus where it actually mattered. The vision was evolving. The vision had exploded. All the hard work, late nights, working everyday, researching, and paving a conscious content path all came to fruition.

I found my truth in my seventh year. I found my community. I found a place I could truly call home. I found that little girl from all those years ago and embraced her. As I did that everything opened up. Everything became clear once again. The adventures, the retreats, the moments of watching others evolve, it all made sense.

The time had come. We had evolved as a team and individual people. The healing became circular.

So….. 2022 is coming to an end and what I have to say is that everything we manifested happened. Everything we envisioned is continuing to evolve. Everything that needed to change, be different, elevated, transpired.

Cheers to the Evolvement and to Slowly proceeding into the new year as the same old me. A work in progress.



Theraexpressions Meditation