TheraCommunity Moon Blog for June 2023

As we roll into June our sun is in the sign of Gemini. This impulsive, inquisitive, and outgoing sign, may have us ready for taking on new projects, new hobbies, and new ventures in business. It is a good time to pursue these things, as we find luck is on our side, and others are more receptive to our ideas.

As sun moves into Cancer a third of the way into this month, our dreams are even more close to the surface, and we may find that we're more in tune with those things we once found to be unreachable, and now they seem attainable. As we reach for the stars we are reminded to keep our feat on the ground, by being realistic with our future endeavors, by reviewing our past ones, and reflecting on what worked for us and what didn't, so we can adjust accordingly moving forward.


Bellow are some of the important dates for this month's astrology;


June 3rd/ 4th- Full moon in Sagitarius:

The full moon in June is called the strawberry moon. This originates from the North American native tribes. They used the full moon in June as an indicator to harvest strawberries. A full moon has a heightened energetic pull. This Sagitarius full moon carries a fun, exiting and exploratory punch. It is a perfect time to tap into our inner child, who is full of curiosity. Sagitarius is intellectual, adventurous, optimistic and passionate. Planning an adventure, or a party may be just what we need this full moon! We may notice that we are emboldened at this time. Stepping into our own light and claiming our own power may be easier than ever before!


June 7th- Pluto retrograde returns to Capricorn:

Pluto is a far away influence, but since it is so far away it's moves are rare and special. Pluto entered Aquarius in March of this year. This is a short visit for Pluto. It went retrograde on May first, and now it is backtracking into Capricorn again, where it has mostly been since 2007, for one last visit, before it moves back into Aquarius in January of 2024. It will stay in Aquarius for over 19 years! Pluto is the planet of transformation. As it is in retrograde, and back in Capricorn, now is a time for us to reflect on the overall changes on a planetary scale from the last 15 years or so, and prepare for a shift that will be coming in the future. We got a small taste of that shift while it visited Aquarius.


June 17th- New Moon in Gemini & Saturn goes Retrograde:

New moon or no moon is a time of darkness, where we can retreat into the shadows and reflect on what it is we are needing to move forward, so we can set intentions for the lunar cycle ahead. Gemini is a curious, funny and outgoing sign. How can we harness those traits to serve us in setting those intentions and mapping our way into the future?


Saturn represents hard work, karma, discipline, and responsibility. Reflecting upon these areas during retrograde, can help us to adjust and align with where we want to be in the future. Since it is the new moon as well, we can focus on these areas when setting our new moon intentions.


June 21st- Solstice & Sun enters Cancer:

In the western hemisphere it is summer solstice, and in the Eastern it is winter. The solstice is when the sun appears to reach it's most northerly or southerly distance from the equator. The Summer solstice is the longest day, and the winter solstice the shortest. The summer solstice is what we will be celebrating here in the United States. The summer solstice is a good time to honor the sun and the light. Creating a flower crown is a traditional way of celebrating, as well as sunbathing, or meditating under the sun, and gathering flowers and herbs, or celebrating with others around a bonfire. What are some other ways that we can honor the light?


Cancer is intuitive, sensitive, and nurturing. A water sign like Scorpio and Pices, this sign is also often called psychic, because of it's deep intuition. The sun moving into this sign may have us feeling more connected to our own feelings, and ready to navigate from our own radar, instead of following the crowd. Yoga, dance, sports, and exercise are some ways we can be more in touch with our bodies as well. Meditation is another way we can strengthen this bond with self. How does our intuition lead us? Do we follow our own path? These are good questions to consider during our meditation and in our journaling.


June 30th- Neptune Retrograde:

A retrograde happens when a planet appears to slow down, and to even be moving backwards in the sky. The planet isn't actually moving backward, it only appears this way because of the speed in which the planet is moving, and it's distance from the earth.

In astrology we see retrograde as a time to slow down, and to reflect on lessons learned from the past, so we can make more informed decisions in the future. A retrograde in Neptune will ask us to look at our choices and lessons in the area of our creativity, our dreams, spirituality, and our inspiration. These more subtle aspects take some deep diving into our own psyche. Dream journaling is an interesting way that we can tap into those deep, hidden parts of ourselves and bring them to light. What do our dreams and aspirations say about us?



Having 3 planets in retrograde at the end of June, Pluto, Mars and Neptune, with Venus on it's way, we may naturally feel the need to slow down and reflect, before moving forward. Making informed choices from the lens of our own life lessons, is the best way to use our own intuition, and make choices that are best for ourselves.

Overall June will have it's ups and downs, and we can listen to ourselves and the nature around us to ride the waves, and navigate these waters from the captain's chair.